Saturday, 17 October 2009

17th October - Sightings

Glossy Ibis - Fisher's Mill - Bob Duckhouse

Fisher's Mill
- GLOSSY IBIS (1st Win) (G Williams et al) First seen c1.10pm in flight over Fisher's mill towards Dosthill NR. Later relocated back on the front edge of Fisher's Mill c2.25pm (P Sofley, P Hyde, TP et al). Present until 6.05pm then flew north and possibly landed at north end of Drayton Bassett pits (Many many obs!).

It has been seen both sides of the county Boundary and is the first for Warks and 3rd for Staffs. The bird is colour ringed (White EPJ) and is probably from Coto Donana, Spain. Details to follow.

Dosthill - Little Egret on river (TP)
Middleton - Blackcap in Mill Plantation (P Sofley)

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