Thursday, 6 January 2011

6th January - Sightings

Bassett South - Pink-Footed Goose, White-Fronted Goose with other geese west of main track (S Cawthray, J Harris) Green Sandpiper on river (J Harris)
Kingsbury - 8+ Bewick's Swans (5Ads, 3+ imms) off Cuttlemill Lane (S Haynes). These can also be viewed from canal 300 metres past Dog and Doublet pub.
Coton - Med Gull (ad) again in roost. Also 5 Bewick's Swans (2ads, 3 imms) (S Haynes)


  1. Is the med gull in main roost viewed from hide

  2. Yes - the best place to view the roosting gulls is the hide.
